▼ Festival of Independents Entrance ▼

‘Festival of Independents Entrance’, Kunstvlaai 2012, Amsterdam with the Dirty Art Department, Sandberg Instituut, Amterdam.

As a backdoor entrance, the ‘Festival of Independents Entrance’ interjects the architectural and organisational structure of this exhibition event, making it present that while the artistic field finds itself alloyed with political and economical motives, the strength of the artistic gesture lies in using those as its primary materials. What an entrance is, has become a central question in the project, seeking both to understand what the idea of entrance conveys as general concept of access, virtually, and of entrance, physically – and what form, role and place it may take during an exhibition event that hosts independent art platforms. Targeting the question of authorship, around which the political structure of the exhibit revolves, the ‘Festival of Independents Entrance’, takes position between the signs and the signature. To do so, the project uses the existing elements of signage as a general background for its actions, as well as a seamless camouflage. Thus, Moving in and out of format the ‘Festival of Independents Entrance’ dissolves itself into the standing walls of this event, where the political may draw the line but the project passes through, like a passe-muraille.

Project inspired by the restrictions the Kunstvlaai Organisators imposed shown in the email conversations as only exhibition piece after entering the Kunstvlaai through our backdoor entrance after paying a tuition fee for our entrance interjecting the Kunstvlaai's 'official' entrance.

     ▼ IMAGES ▼ 
  • Work thumbnail