The piece consists out of an open call to participate in an event for equality. In this event the participators where asked to sacrifice their shame. The objective of the gathering is to re-think our approach towards equality in an active way. Its intention was to eliminate the passive gaze with which we approach art in to a participatory act in need for a physical entrance. The body is the intermediate between the idea and the environment, the public and the private.Because, changing perception is not merely a question of turning the tables or changing the language. We live in a society mesmerized by its genitals and over saturated by sex. In this piece, instead of the gun, colors are used to paint the genitals. By doing so an aim is made to free the genitals from its socially and sexually loaded meaning as an object back in to a symbol. The color represents a playful redefinition of innocence and the freedom of prejudgement. The idea of the action-pants is used as a metaphor for focus. Where does our gaze rest ? Within this field of thought it also encapsulates the theme of the exhibition, Topsy Turvy; The World Upside Down, in which the masked always reveals the hidden, suppressed or potential alternative.

AMSTERDAM De Appel Arts Center



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